ke sandarbh men example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. So there two orders of courts, which are completely independent with respect to the other, the judiciary (headed by the Supreme Court) and administrative (headed by the State Council) 2. Technically speaking, this means that the trajectory ? is stable with respect to small perturbations of its initial condition 3. The news item is one of these categories of articles marking the autonomy of a number in relation to the collection, with respect to the passage of time and therefore relative to the pace of events 4. The soul does ? -she then disappeared in favor of the spirit Bergson has shown that it is not so, and a problem remains with respect to the relationship between the soul, mind, spirit, matter spiritus "breath 5. The visible stain, first member of any representation, can receive three meanings with respect to the xy plane

Given are the examples of hindi word ke sandarbh men usage in english sentences. The examples of ke sandarbh men are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., with respect to.

However, we shall discuss the periodic trends with respect to atomic and ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy and electronegativity.

Form wizard responds by providing six mutually exclusive choices with respect to layout of the Form.
If summary option is selected, the user is prompted to indicate the type of summarisation required: Sum, Average, Minimum and Maximum with respect to the field of summarisation.
In psychology, a client may refer to an individual/group/organisation who on her/his own seeks help, guidance or intervention from a psychologist with respect to any problem faced by her/him.
Standard state (c0) for a solute is 1 molar solution and all concentrations can be measured with respect to it.
Another way of economising on gold was the gold exchange standard which was adopted by many countries which kept their money exchangeable at fixed prices with respect to gold but held little or no gold.
The Macroeconomic Framework Statement assesses the prospects of the economy with respect to the GDP growth rate, fiscal balance of the central government and external balance When a government spends more than it collects by way of revenue, it incurs a budget deficit There are various measures that capture government deficit and they have their own implications for the economy.
A weak entity type always has a total participation constraint (existence dependency) with respect to its identifying relationship because it cannot be identified without its owner entity.
General-purpose software is defined as a set of programs, which are designed and developed for a community of users and not for any particular application with respect to a particular user.
These shares provide a preferential right to the shareholders with respect to payment of earnings and the repayment of capital.
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